Be Something Special and not the
Make me want to know your Name.
Make me Smile with your Charm.
Make me want to Rest there in your Arms.
Be Someone Special and not mundane,
Cookie cutter all the same.
Make me want to Touch your Cheek,
To want to Save you when you’re Weak.
Be Caring, Gentle, Smart, and Funny,
I remain unaroused by your money.
I do not care how many others want
Just that I do and that that’s enough for you.
The Simple Things are what I Desire,
Not for some lofty notation to aspire.
Simple yet so Hard to Find.
Tell me what is on your Mind.
All your Dreams and Hopes and Fears,
All you want out of these Few years.
The Way to my Heart is very Clear.
Listen if you want to Hear.
To Seduce me, You will not be able.
I’m unimpressed with extravagance or pretentious labels.
Or that you’re Influence opens
Be my Best Friend to make me yours!